Putter Panda Cyber Threat Intelligence Card


Report by Miguel Bigueur and Daniel Bradley

Executive Summary

Putter Panda is a criminal hacker organization based out of China that has been linked to numerous cyber espionage events against American and European governments and corporations. They are linked to China’s shadow army known as, Unit 61486 of the 12th Bureau of the People’s Liberation Army’s 3rd General Staff Department.

Putter Panda is accused of launching Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) style espionage campaigns against American and European based space and defense companies. The group’s primary motivation is economic advancement, and accelerating time to market for knock-off technologies[1]. Continue reading

Wireshark Packet Capture Analysis


This purpose of this document is to examine the results of several Wireshark captures. Areas to be explored are the exploit type, impact of the exploit, vulnerability type, and any other relevant information. In order for network administrators, penetration testers, or any other type of security experts to combat cyber crimes, it’s critical that they know how to use the same tools that the criminals do. Wireshark is instrumental in helping security professionals dissect intersected communications to formulate new security policies and put new safeguards in place. This experiment will be conducted on a 2009 Mac Pro running OS X Yosemite 10.10.4. Kali Linux will be used to exploit Metasploitable 2 both of which are running inside of Parallels 10 virtual machines.

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