Production Design in Cinema & Theatre


In the “Matrix”, the production designer relied on Japanese comic books to help visualize the sets for the movie. The influence of the Japanese comic books can easily be seen in the action sequences of this film particularly in the fighting scenes. I thought the Wachowski Brothers went to great lengths in their set designs. I was in Oakland, Ca when they built the freeway set for the car chase scene in the second installment of the series. Continue reading

BULLITT” (1968), Edited by Frank P. Keller A.C.E.


Awards: Oscar for best Editing, 1968 by Frank P. Keller A.C.E. The Movie: “Bullitt” won an Oscar for it’s editing that year mostly due to the car chase sequences. That sequence took over three weeks to shoot and incorporated some of the most beautiful San Francisco scenery, although the Golden Gate Bridge was slated to be a part of that scene but wasn’t allowed at the time. Continue reading

Haile Gerima born Gondar, Ethiopia, March 4, 1946



I think it’s interesting how people of different nations face more challenging environments than we do here in America and still have the will to find the way to stay focused on their dreams. Perhaps a great director could be defined by his lifestyle, political beliefs or religion, but the pursuit of a dream is what no one can deny. Talent is something that cannot be taught, but can be found within oneself. Continue reading

The Gangster Genre (Impact on American Cinema and Culture)


The Godfather


This paper will explore and define the gangster genre in American film history. Gangster films are centered on the criminal actions of bank robbers, hoodlums, petty theft, and bootlegging alcohol during prohibition and operate outside the law without regard to the safety of human life. Continue reading